What to wear:
To Practice:
Wrestlers should come to practice in shorts, their club practice t-shirt, and wrestling shoes with socks.
To Practice:
Wrestlers should come to practice in shorts, their club practice t-shirt, and wrestling shoes with socks.
- Shorts should not be longer than knee length, and can not have pockets, snaps, or buckles.
- Long hair should be pulled back and secured in a braid or pony tail.
- No jewelry allowed.
- No street shoes are allowed on the mat. Wrestling shoes must be worn. LWC runs a free used shoe program. If you would like to borrow shoes for your child please notify the coach. Wrestling shoes can be purchased at Dick's Sporting Goods or at an online retailer.
- Singlet: Wrestlers must wear a singlet to compete.
- Headgear: Some middle school and all high school tournaments require the use of headgear. Wrestlers can wear headgear at practice, but it usually blocks what they can hear and if it slips it becomes too much of a distraction.
- Mouth guards: All wrestlers with braces should wear mouth guards to practice, and must wear them in order to compete at tournaments.
- Wrestling shoes must be worn at all tournaments in order to compete.